Gary's blog for couples and parents plus resources for individuals, leaders and churches.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Getting Old Doesn't Need To Mean Getting Worse

OK, so I have to admit I'm not a kid anymore, in fact I'm creeping out of middle age and perhaps getting closer to Middle Earth! I saw that common sign again today at most big box checkout counters that says something like, If you appear to be under 40 we reserved the right to ask for ID if you purchase alcohol. No one is carding me that's for sure.

And yet it seems like so often in our society we write people off who don't fit our nice, beautiful and useful profile anymore. The gray hair is increasing, they walk more slowly and have certainly lost a lot if not most of any physical attractiveness.

But I'm convinced (and so is a lot of research) that people in their 60's and beyond still have much to offer God, their community and families. For that to happen of course requires that they themselves don't bail on life, quit being productive and think they should just sit on the sidelines. Some need to be reminded that people's 50+ years are the most productive and their 60+ years are second on average.

Think of Billy Graham and Paul Harvey who both have flourished personally well into their 90's.  Mr. Harvey died recently still busy and fruitful, doing amazing things known all over the country. As we age we also bring that much more experience and wisdom with us and it needs to be shared. Some of us need to start or continue writing, teaching, perhaps even putting some of our ideas on video for people to see and hear for decades to come.

Families need to also enlist the elder men and/or women  from time to time and let them tell their stories and share their insights with the younger ones.  That's Biblical, too, you know?  Some of the best mentors on the planet are people nearing retirement or already there. We just need to give them a forum. Why not bring t he old and young together more in churches?

So if you're getting up there in years don't think of this as the end, consider it more as a new beginning, an opportunity to pass on things for the next generations.  And if you know someone who might feel relegated to the sidelines, invite them into your conversations and let them still make a difference. They won't always be around, you know?
Gary Sinclair Writer | Speaker | Leader

Gary is currently a consultant, teacher, speaker and chaplain providing resources for families, leaders and churches.


  1. Great post Gary! The battle is in our minds, not our bodies. As long as we know we have things to offer, we will do things to the glory of God.

  2. I'm still pretty young, but I agree whoeheartedly! It grieves me to see older adults decide to just stop working, or having relationships, or becoming mean and grouchy. Many tell me they feel entitled to rest after working so hard, but I don't see losing value, purpose, friendship, and impact on younger generations as an acceptable trade off. Thanks for speaking about this! I know I certainly want to remain an active and USEFUL part of my children's life when they are grown, and also look at my later years as the perfect time to pursue dreams my husband and I don't have the time or money for now. Age is no excuse to stop living and growing and learning!

  3. Thx for your comments and am glad they were thought-provoking. Keep on!
